Tuesday, July 19 class

Break schedule

We’re all here

Everyone has arrived

Expression “everybody

Here we go! Let’s get started!

As usual / as always

Tour de Table :

  • how are you? and what did you do today?
  • I went to the beach, I went to the sea.
  • I can’t swim
  • I bathed
  • I love the sea
  • I’m afraid / I’m not afraid of the sea
  • I did some math exercises
  • I came here by streetcar, by car, by plane…
  • Not yet / already (пока нет / уже)
  • No … (нет+род.падеж)
  • While …

While I’m opening in Alma, write three sentences.

Today I rested in a park.

French “se reposer” reflexive (отдохнуть)

Last Thursday, Rostomi had a private lesson.

At the restaurant: the check, the bill

In a store: receipt, invoice

To learn French, you need 1,200 hours

There are 365 days and 52 weeks in the year

If you practice 3 hours a week, it will take 8 years.

If you practice 1 hour a day, it will take 4 years.

If you practice 4 hours a day, it will take 1 year

Nikola will go to school 8 hours a day, but it will take 6 months.

What you can do on your own to practice :

  • Choose the time you want to spend
  • Use every means possible: television, YouTube, Duolingo, talk in stores and bars.
  • Listen to songs, read, write, study and communicate with French people whenever you can.

I worked from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

I started at 9:30 a.m.

Finished at 4pm

I’d like to kiss you

Bring …

I brought to the beach:

A carpet, parasol, visor or cap

I need …

  • I don’t need…
  • I need your help
  • I’m looking for a book, I’m looking for shoes for my son
  • I don’t need a marker
  • I don’t need it (“en” pronoun – replaces “a marker”)