- Saying hello, “how are you?”, questions and answers in a variety of ways.
- Getting to know each other :
- Introducing yourself
- Asking questions
- What did you do today? Telling the story
- Talking about your country
- Alphabet, writing, vowels and consonants, nasals, double vowels, pronunciation.
- Conjugations: present, future, imperfect, past perfect, imperative
- The verbs to do, to want, to eat, to go, to come, to take, to hold
- Verbs to be and to have, conjugation and use
- Frequent expressions (it’s … there’s … everyone … etc …)
- Common vocabulary (food, housing, countries, seasons, weather, time, colors, stores, administrative forms, etc.)
- Counting, figures, numbers
- Express feelings of hunger, cold, heat, sleep, pain etc…
- Reading and comprehension of some poems: Le Cancre, la fourmi, Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau, Il a mis du café
- and a few songs: La Grenade, Comme d’habitude, Les Bêtises, le Petit pain au Chocolat, Tous les Garçons et les Filles
- How and why I learn French